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You’re Turning 40! Now What?

You’re Turning 40! Now What?

You’re turning 40! How is that possible? You remember seeing “Jurassic Park” in the movie theaters. You used a VHS tape to record your favorite shows if you weren’t going to be home. Gwen Stefani was in No Doubt, and Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were the...
Defying Facial Aging, One Area at a Time

Defying Facial Aging, One Area at a Time

As a dermatologist, my Houston patients come to me with a host of questions every day. But by far the questions I hear the most are related to the aging process: how to slow it down, stop it, or even reverse it. Aging is simply a natural part of being human, and some...

4 Myths About Injectable Fillers

Few aesthetic treatments are more popular these days than injectable fillers. But even as their popularity increases, misconceptions about fillers persist. For anyone looking for a cosmetic dermatologist in Houston, it’s important to separate fact from fiction...