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If you would like to correct sun damage and early signs of aging, the skin specialists at SBA Dermatology & Plastic Surgeryoffer a variety of skin treatments in Houston. PhotoFirm™ combines the benefits of both the photofacial and CoolTouch® or similar non-ablative laser treatments to improve the skin's appearance and boost collagen production. Together, our medical professionals have performed thousands of PhotoFirm procedures, giving them the experience to achieve beautiful results.

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Your Beautiful Skin

Photofirm: Patient 1 - Before Photofirm: Patient 1 - After
Photofirm: Patient 2 - Before Photofirm: Patient 2 - After

PhotoFirm uses 2 modern technologies, an intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment to reduce the signs of sun damage followed by a non-ablative laser treatment to rebuild collagen and provide more wrinkle improvement than the IPL treatment alone. Commonly treated conditions include:

  • Redness, including rosacea and enlarged capillaries
  • Freckles, sun spots, and age spots
  • Enlarged pores
  • Fine wrinkles
  • Poor skin texture

PhotoFirm is performed as a series of 5 treatments, spaced at least 3 weeks apart. Each treatment requires about 45 minutes to complete, after a topical anesthetic is allowed to take effect for about an hour. You can return to your normal activities immediately afterwards, although you might have some temporary redness and swelling. Brown spots may darken for the first week, but will then lighten and usually disappear. Within a week your skin color will look more even. Wrinkles will gradually fade with each treatment.

For greater skin rejuvenation, our Signature PhotoFirm incorporates a vibradermabrasion pre-treatment to exfoliate the skin - improving its appearance and allowing better penetration of the IPL treatments. Following the PhotoFirm, we finish with a GentleWaves® Skin Fitness treatment to enhance collagen production further and help reduce any redness or swelling.


To schedule a visit with us in Houston for skin rejuvenation with PhotoFirm, or one of our many other non-surgical treatments, request a consultation or call our office at 713-850-0240.