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Seeking: Youthful and Vibrant Eyes
by Suzanne Bruce, MD

What can be done about tired looking eyes?  In some cases, filler is the answer.  We’ve been using filler to treat under-eye hollows and circles for years now, but what about the upper lid?  With normal aging, the fat pads in our face shrink and shift around causing us to look tired, particularly around the eyes.  Hollowing on the upper lid, also called the A-frame, can be treated with discrete amounts of hyaluronic acid filler.  The treatment is painless and requires very little filler.  Typically we recommend two treatments spaced 2-4 weeks apart.

You can see in the before picture of this patient hollowing on her upper lid.  One week after treatment with Restylane® Silk, her eyes appear more youthful and vibrant.  Call for a free consult today to see if you are a candidate for this procedure! 713.850.0240

Dermal Fillers Before and After Pictures Houston, TX