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Neck Lift


Are you wearing turtlenecks or scarves year-round to hide the excess skin on and around your neckline? As people grow older, the impact of gravity and the regular stresses of modern life can create a visible impact on the neck. Plastic surgeon Dr. Ryan Couvillion offers neck lift surgery at his practice in Houston, TX to improve the look of an aging neckline. This facial surgery recontours and reshapes the area beneath the chin and along the neck to remove the loose skin that creates a "turkey neck" or "double chin." By removing the loose skin and fat while introducing a tightening technique to create a smoother, natural neckline, this procedure at SBA Dermatology & Plastic Surgery can provide striking improvements to your profile. Before you contact us to schedule your consultation, read below to learn more about surgical neck lifts and the amazing results they can produce.


Patients desiring neck lift treatment generally have visibly loose, hanging skin in the neck region. This loose skin is generally caused by several factors, including major weight loss and aging. Whatever the reason may be, sagging neck skin creates an unflattering look, which can be corrected with skin excision and a tightening technique. If you are at a healthy weight but feel challenged by lines, wrinkles, and hanging skin along the neck, a neck lift may be a suitable answer. Keep in mind that the best results are achieved when your skin still has some elasticity.

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During neck lift treatment, IV sedation or general anesthesia is used. The incision point is placed behind or in front of your ears and another one may be placed beneath your chin. If isolated areas of fat exist, fat removal with liposuction would first be performed. Next, any loose skin will be removed, and the underlying tissue and remaining skin will be tightened. Scars that occur as a result of neck lift surgery are generally thin and placed in areas that make them easy to conceal. In addition, other nonsurgical options can help improve the skin's texture, such as a chemical peel or laser skin resurfacing, to produce a softer, smoother appearance.



After a neck lift, there will likely be some bruising, swelling, and moderate discomfort, but these effects will fade within a week or two. You should rest and avoid strenuous activity for 4 – 6 weeks to assist in the recovery. While recovering, fitted tops should be avoided. You should notice visible results almost immediately. In addition, it has been said that neck lift surgery can make one of the biggest impacts on an individual's profile, shaving years off their appearance.


How much does a neck lift cost?

Costs for your neck surgery will be reviewed in your initial consultation with Dr. Couvillion. As soon as he has developed your unique surgical plan, his staff will be able to estimate prices for the anesthesia, facility, and more. To help make your neck surgery easier to afford, SBA Dermatology & Plastic Surgery takes several payment methods, plus, we can tell you more about how to get low-interest medical financing.

What about nonsurgical neck lift options?

Neck lift surgery is the best option to eliminate excess skin, particularly if it droops or hangs. Although there are nonsurgical skin tightening procedures that may give you mild improvements, neck lift surgery is the most effective solution to redefine and smooth your neckline. A popular, minimally invasive treatment called Kybella targets fat in the submental area, which gives the appearance of a double chin; however, it doesn't correct excess skin and it's overall impact is generally small.

Will I have visible scars after a neck lift?

A neck lift does require one incision under the chin, as well as two more close to the ears. These are made so the scars are difficult for others to see. Dr. Couvillion’s meticulous surgical technique helps to minimize visible scarring. A team member will explain scar management instructions, which will encourage your incisions to heal flat and thin.

Can I combine a neck lift with other facial surgeries?

At your initial consultation, you can bring up that you are thinking about another surgery, like a facelift or chin augmentation, along with a neck lift. It's normal for two or more facial surgeries to be done together to get your best results. If you are concerned about an undefined jawline or weak chin, tell Dr. Couvillion so he can develop a plan that meets all your goals.

Should I get a neck lift or liposuction?

Based on your concerns and goals, you might consider combining a neck lift with surgical liposuction. A lift plus lipo may be best if you are concerned about both loose skin and stubborn fat pockets in your neck. Dr. Couvillion can help you choose whether a neck lift, liposuction, or a combination of both should be included in your surgical plan.


Get the firm and smooth neck you deserve at SBA Dermatology & Plastic Surgery. If you are embarrassed by the appearance of your neck, we invite you to contact our upscale facility in Houston, TX to speak with an aesthetic consultant patient coordinator. We are excited to share this cosmetic surgery with you. While this procedure will not halt the aging process, it can help you feel confident enough to live your life to the fullest.

When it comes to aesthetic plastic surgery, it's important to choose a dedicated surgeon who is committed to your desired surgical goals. To meet with our double board-certified plastic surgeon, Ryan Couvillion, MD and his team, call our office at 713.275.9908.