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skinny-fall13-tnBy April Harrison, PA-C, from the Fall 2013 issue

There is no debating how hot the Houston summer sun can be so we love miraDry® for reducing sweat! However, for some people who suffer from hyperhidrosis, excess sweating can be a year-round issue. MiraDry is a revolutionary procedure that uses microwave energy to destroy underarm sweat and odor glands. After just two one-hour treatments, sweating is typically reduced 70-80%.

When we introduced this technology early last year as the first office in Houston, I quickly jumped at the opportunity to try it out. I experienced this treatment last year and love the results! The treatment is very simple and pain free. After using a topical numbing cream to the underarms, we administer tiny lidocaine injections to further anesthetize the area. Then the miraDry treatment begins with pulses of microwave energy to the underarms.

My first session was on a Friday, and I was completely numbed and very comfortable for my treatment. Afterwards, I applied ice packs for a day and took ibuprofen to reduce swelling.

Even with those measures, my arm pits were very swollen Saturday morning. It was not painful at all and still somewhat numb, but I chose to wear loose-fitting shirts that weekend. Gradually over a week the swelling subsided, and I noticed small bumps under my skin. These were areas where the pulses were delivered and represented sweat glands that were no longer functioning. I did stop sweating right away, but about 2 months later some sweating returned. Just in time for the second (and last) treatment. The procedure was repeated with similar side effects. Now my sweating is dramatically reduced. This past summer it was put to the test and miraDry won!

This treatment has been a great benefit to our patients with underarm hyperhidrosis but can be used on anyone who just wants to sweat less.